Monday, August 15, 2016


When Duterte, 71, was sworn into office on June 30, he maintained he would follow up on campaign threats to kill tens of thousands of criminals and any police also involved in criminal activities. The president, who is also known by the nickname “The Punisher,” said it would make good business sense to open more funeral parlors and that he would protect anyone killing drug dealers.

"These sons of whores are destroying our children. I told you, don’t go into that, even if you’re a policeman, because I will really kill you," Duterte said after being sworn in, the Guardian reported. "If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful."

Duterte is ready to give his first State of the Nation address July 25. He has set a six-month deadline to deal with drug related crimes and local media have predicted the speech could see the release of more names of specific targets. The president named five police officials and three drug traffickers in previous speeches.